Acquiring top quality dentures can be a reinvigorating experience. As well as replacing missing teeth and improving functionality for eating and speaking, a new set of teeth gives you your smile back, as well as your confidence.
Dentures made from quality materials can have an amazing lifespan; enduring years of intense chewing and grinding without losing their hardness and durability. However, nothing lasts forever, and even the best fitting dentures need to be replaced at some point. As leading providers of dentures, we know a thing or two about their life expectancy, and how to improve it.
An Impressive Lifespan
Just like each set of teeth is unique, every denture appliance has a different lifespan that relies on good care. Dentures can last anywhere from 4-10 years, with superior designs even reaching 15 years with correct care. They are very effective, given the wear and tear they’re put through!
Certain factors will affect how long your dentures, from Midland Dental Hub will last. General wear and tear will erode their effectiveness over time, but more serious damage like cracks, chips, or a breakage requires immediate attention. In most cases, dentures can be repaired, but after time your dental professional will recommend a new set.
Signs Your Dentures Need Repair or Replacement
To keep your trusty set of teeth in play for as long as possible, they need to take care of thorough daily cleaning to promote longevity. Follow our denture instructions for key do’s and don’ts, but should they incur any damage, they should be assessed immediately by our expert dentists. Do not attempt to repair them at home, as this can worsen oral health.
If the base of the denture breaks, as opposed to a tooth, you should seek advice from your dentist to see if it can be repaired before deciding a replacement is the best option. If you find your dentures begin to feel uncomfortable or irritating, this is also a sign they need evaluating by a dentist, as ill-fitting appliances can lead to other oral hygiene issues.
Why Quality Dentures Matter
Each set of quality dentures is custom-made to perfectly fit your mouth. This allows eating and chewing as normal, as well as laughing and speaking without interference. Everyone’s bite changes over time, requiring denture adjustments and replacements to maintain that quality of life you’ve come to expect.
If you experience any discomfort in your back and neck as well as your mouth, your dentures are likely ill-fitting and need adjusting. This can happen naturally over time due to minor shifts in your jaw or bone structure, so check-ups every 2 years are highly recommended to ensure a perfect fit.
Premium Dentures at Midland Dental Hub
As a leading provider of quality dentures, the cosmetic dentist team at Midland Dental Hub are on hand to guide you through dental check-ups, denture repairs and replacements, as well as the initial denture fitting process. We also provide All-On-4 dental implants, which are implant-supported dentures. All-On-4 dental implants can be the perfect solution for those who find themselves frustrated with their dentures. Midland also offer Denticare Payment Plans to help allow everyone to improve their oral health.
Our aim is to help anyone live an easier and happier life through improved oral capabilities, with a focus on long-term care through daily denture instructions. For more information on premium dentures and replacements from Midland Dental Hub, simply get in touch today with any queries or to book a consultation.