Midland Dentist general
preventative dentistry

What is Invisalign?

  • Invisalign consists of a series of clear plastic removable appliances that move your teeth in small increments to achieve a straighter more aesthetically pleasing smile.


  • The Invisalign international team combined with your dentist’s diagnosis creates a treatment plan and set of aligners designed and produced specifically for you.

How does it work?

  • Aligners- Each aligner is made slightly different to allow teeth to gradually move into the desired position.


  • Attachments- Attachments are placed on the surface of the teeth to aid movement. They can be on any of your teeth including the front teeth. These are tooth coloured and removed at the end of your treatment.


  • Interproximal Reduction (IPR)- Because we are not removing teeth to create space we must gain space in another form in which we file away small amounts of enamel between the teeth to create space.

gum disease treatment
midland dental centre

What are the benefits of Invisalign?

  • Invisalign aligners offer an aesthetic alternative to conventional braces (train tracks)


  • Aligners are nearly invisible so most people won’t know you are wearing them.


  • Aligners can be removed which allows normal brushing and flossing tasks that are generally impaired by conventional braces.


  • No metal wires or brackets.


  • The wearing of aligners may improve oral hygiene habits and patients may notice an improvement in gum health during treatment.

What to expect?

  • A series of up to 20 aligners that get changed every 1-2 weeks.


  • Regular appointments with your dentist to assess treatment.


  • Aligners MUST be worn at all times (22 hours per day) only taking them out to eat and drink. Aligners that are not being worn are not working at all.


  • Some discomfort when changing aligners as your teeth will be slightly moving each time. A soft diet may be essential at this time

gum disease treatment
midland dental centre

Am I a good candidate for Invisalign?

  • Yes! If you have had braces in the past and have noticed your teeth moving.


  • Yes! If you have minor crowding of your teeth and are not aesthetically please with your smile.

What is the Length of treatment?

  • On average about 6-12 months, but treatment differs per individual treatment plan.


  • Additional aligners may be required at the end of treatment.
gum disease treatment
midland dental centre

Common risks/complications

  • Failure to wear the aligners 22 hours per day or missing appointments to see your dentist can lengthen the time to achieve your desired results.


  • Dental tenderness may be experienced after switching aligners or irritation/scratching to lips gums and cheeks.


  • Teeth may shift position after treatment if retainers are not worn after treatment.


  • Tooth decay or gum disease may occur if patients do not brush and floss their teeth adequately or consume high levels of sugar before wearing retainers.

Uncommon risks/complications:

  • Recession– A less common gum issue can be the shrinking of the. Your dentist will inform you if you are at an increased risk of developing this.


  • Black Triangles- Sometimes when overlapping or very crowded teeth are straightened there is a lack of supporting gum tissue which may cause the appearance or a small gap between the teeth which may look like a back triangle. This may require restorative work (in chair fillings with ceramics) to correct after completion of your orthodontic treatment at an additional fee.
gum disease treatment
midland dental centre

What is my alternative treatment?

  • A referral to an orthodontist for conventional braces (train tracks)

What to do if experiencing problems during Invisalign treatment?

  • If you are experiencing any of the above issues or are concerned about your treatment please contact the practise.


  • Do not discontinue you aligners without notifying your dentist. Failure to comply with aligner wear can result in damage to the support structure of your teeth and cause severe relapse even mid treatment.
gum disease treatment

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